How To Post an Opportunity

If you’re a user looking to post a job on a website powered by WP Job Manager, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process. You don’t need an existing account—one will be automatically created for you during your first job submission.

Step 1: Access the Job Posting Page

  1. Navigate to the Job Submission form.

Step 2: Fill Out the Job Submission Form

  1. Complete the fields in the job submission form:
    • Job Title: Enter a descriptive title for the job.
    • Job Location: Provide the city, state, or specify if it’s a remote position.
    • Job Description: Include a detailed description of the role, responsibilities, and qualifications.
    • Job Type: Select from options like full-time, part-time, freelance, etc.
    • Application Email/URL: Provide the email address or link for applicants to apply.
  2. Attach any relevant files (like a job description PDF).

Step 3: Account Creation (Automatic)

  1. When you submit a job for the first time, you’ll be prompted to enter an email address. This email address will be used to automatically create an account for you.
  2. After submitting the job:
    • You’ll receive an email with your account credentials and instructions to set your password.
    • Check your inbox and spam/junk folder for this email.
  3. Follow the link in the email to set your password and activate your account.

Tip: Save your credentials for easy access to manage your job postings in the future.

Step 4: Preview and Submit the Job Listing

  1. Before finalizing, you’ll have the option to preview your job listing.
    • Review all details to ensure accuracy.
  2. Click Submit Job to post the job.

Step 5: Manage Your Job Listing

  1. After submitting, your job may need approval from the website administrator.
  2. Once approved, log into your account to:
    • Edit the job listing.
    • View applicant details.
    • Manage additional job postings.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly post jobs on a WP Job Manager-powered website, even if it’s your first time. The automatic account creation process makes it easy to manage your listings and stay organized.